This is the project page for the wbtmgr util for managing Winterms. I should start out by
saying that it is in no way associated with Wyse.
The software is open source and released under the BSD licence, which means you can do
whatever you want with it, no strings attached. It is written in perl and developed on
FreeBSD but should work on any platform including Windows.
This util started out from my frustration with the Wyse Rapport product and the price they
were asking for it. Within a couple of days I had most of the core functionality working, and
wasn't tied into a proprietary product.
The Sourceforge page can be accessed here
So far the software is able to:
Upload new OS firmware images
Retrieve/set the configuration
Send a pop-up message to the Winterm
Dump the settings
Read the registry settings, including the unit serial number